Classroom Bundles to Support Read Aloud and Shared Reading
Let's Gather: Reading to and with Your Students, Grades K–2
Let’s Gather provides teachers with complete interactive read-aloud and shared reading plans to use with and alongside the Units of Study in Reading or to supplement any other resources you might be using to teach reading. This curriculum highlights thoughtfully curated fiction and nonfiction texts that will not only captivate students' attention but also lend themselves to supporting a progression of high level comprehension skills across the year.

About Let's Gather, Grades K-2
Let’s Gather provides grade-level specific read-aloud plans highlighting thoughtfully
curated fiction and nonfiction texts that will not only captivate your students’ attention, but also lend themselves to supporting a progression of high-level
comprehension skills across the year. These plans call attention to words that are not only critical to the text and topic, but also to the academic conversations
you’ll foster. There are plans for first reads and rereads of the read-aloud texts, helping you and your students grow a repertoire of reasons to reread, perhaps each
time with a different lens. Finally, these plans include regular opportunities for partner talk and whole-class conversations, helping teachers learn ways to support
students in having collaborative, text-based discussions.
Let’s Gather also includes several templates for shared-reading sessions that teachers can use and adapt across multiple texts. The shared-reading lesson plans in
Let’s Gather provide opportunities for the whole class to read a text aloud together and are especially useful for teaching and reinforcing phonological awareness,
concepts about print, word-solving strategies, and fluency.
Let’s Gather Classroom Bundles, Grades K-2 Include:
The grade-level Let's Gather Classroom Bundles include the Guide, Anchor Chart Sticky Notes, and 17-20 trade books.

The Guide
Let’s Gather offers more than a dozen detailed read-aloud plans to use with and alongside the K-2 Units of Study in Reading. This curriculum highlights thoughtfully
curated fiction and nonfiction texts that will captivate students’ attention. (Grade 1 shown)

Anchor Chart Sticky Notes
The Let's Gather Anchor Chart Sticky Notes make it easy for teachers to create and evolve anchor charts to support instruction from one day to the next.
(Grade 1 shown)

Read-Aloud and Shared Reading Trade Books
Each grade-level classroom bundle includes 17-20 fiction and nonfiction trade books for both read-aloud and shared reading.
(Grade 1 shown)
Ordering Information
The online ordering links below list all the purchasing options for Let's Gather: Reading to and with Your Students, Grades K–2. Be sure to reach out to your local Heinemann sales rep for guidance with purchasing.